We deliver thoughtful portraits and freehand art for people that are looking for a “Wow” factor. The best designs have resulted after in-depth conversations and research regarding the subject.
1 . R E V I E W
The Chicago Cubs were looking for artwork for their premium 1914 Club season ticket holders. They knew they wanted the classic 1914 logo, the club’s specific dark green, and the historic ivy.
2 . D E S I G N
Based on the discussion and guidelines, we sent over a hand drawn sketch of the cubby bear. They loved the direction but the ivy and green needed to be included. After some consideration, the “C” was covered in ivy and placed around original sketch.
3 . F I N A L I Z E
The final drawing was brought back into photoshop and printed on the premium soft touch box with the enclosed 1914 tickets.
Fly the W.